ROAD SIDE ASSISTANCE 24 HOURSProgram "Privilege Service" is created for you to feel confidence on your way and to receive first-class services as soon as possible. Your safety and convenience of driving — a basis of services of the Privilege Service Program. 24 hours per day, 365 days in a year, in Russia and on the territory of the European countries. Whatever occurred on the way, simply call us
(3462) 55-63-99 .We will eliminate malfunction of the car in the shortest possible time and give you the opportunity to continue your trip with comfort.
Upon the purchase of the new Jeep® car in an authorized Jeep® dealer center since June 1, 2014 the Program is available free of charge*.
The Program is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation within 250 km from the administrative borders of the cities where Jeep® dealer centers are located, along the key highways as well as in Europe.
The Program includes such unique services as:
- - Consultation of the technical specialist
- - Arrival of the average commissioner and assistance at paperwork registration
- - Technical assistance on a breakage or road accident site
- - Car recovery to a dealer center
- - Safe custody of the car
- - Granting the courtesy car
- - Hotel accommodation
- - Trip continuation (by taxi, train, plane)
- - Taxi
- - Organization and payment of the trip for the repaired car
- - Repatriation (delivery to the Russian Federation to the nearest to your house authorized dealer center)
* The details you will find In the par. «Duration of the Program»